10 Tips to Make Your Music Stand Out

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Music Marketing, Artist Resources, Branding

Every upcoming artist struggles to stand out, be noticed, and raise attention in order to advance to a higher level.

In addition to making good music, you should be having a great singing voice, or a magnetic stage presence: as an artist, you are a brand, and you should learn how to turn it into a successful business.

Advertising, correspondence, style, media exposure, approach, and other skills are put into practice in order to sell your brand’s flagship product, which is music.

This is why, if you truly want to succeed in the music industry, you must take things seriously and devote significant time and effort to the essentials listed below.

How to Make Your Music Stand Out

#1. Have a memorable name

What works for one person may not work for another, as this is a purely subjective principle. Keep in mind that your artist/band name is often the first thing people learn about you well before having to listen to your music.

People frequently evaluate a book by its cover, or in a such particular instance, by its name. Make sure to choose a name that stands out and conveys the core of your personality.

#2. Define your personal style

As an artist, you have no restrictions on how you convey yourself.

Make a point about who you are through your style, not just your music. Makeup, garments, hair, and other things can help you identify your personality as a person, as an artist, and instill a sense of pertinence and consistency between yourself and your music.

#3. Make fantastic music

This may appear to be obvious, but that is exactly why it is difficult to accomplish.

In addition to numerous different artists, producers, and music companies seeking to discover the next unique sound, so are the general public, and you must ensure that your music will deliver.

#4. Make your brand memorable

You wouldn’t want people to associate your artist/band name with a shoddy logo you saw on a sticker once, do you?

Consider how you want your logo to appear on future merchandise and imagine that wherever you go, it will be the first to introduce you.

#5. Maintain a positive attitude

You should know how to hold yourself based on the circumstance. When to act intense, when to express your opinion, when to act playful, and when to boast about your accomplishments. But always in a favorable way and in alignment with what you wish to portray with your music.

#6. Maintain your cool in front of your fans

They look up to you, and desire to be like you, and let’s face it, without them, your career may never reach fame.

Interact in an amicable, sensible manner, and participate in topics that are important to you; remember not to feed the social networking complainers!

#7. Maintain an online presence

Social media platforms are now an important part of networking; don’t be left out of the discussion! Keep up with current trends and topics, and stand out by developing your own.

Create a buzz around your music, videos, singles, and important announcements.

#8. Choose your merchandise with care

As useful as t-shirts, posters, and mugs are for promoting any brand, consider whether you want your fans to have something that every other artist/band has sold before, and that doesn’t reveal too much about who you are.

Selling merchandise is a must-do for every musician; make sure to stamp your individuality on it as well! Think outside the box to provide your fans with something they’ll want to keep and show off to everyone.

#9. Don’t give up

Sponsorships and free stuff are fantastic; make sure you know who you’re partnering with in the long run. Collaborate with brands that not only communicate to you, but also to your followers.

#10. Organize your social media feeds

Keep in mind that your Facebook and Instagram profiles serve as digital business cards, containing all of your important information and reflecting your brand’s image. Discover how to convey what you accomplish and what you enjoy about it using content designed specifically for this goal.


In the beginning, it’s really tempting to go on with the flow and do what others are doing. Taking the time to step back and rethink a strategy to make your music stand out from the crowd makes all the difference with time.

We hope this post provided you with value. We’d appreciate it if you have other tips you can share in the comments section below.